User manual


The Home page is the default landing page, containing:

  1. My profile button - Access profile information or log out.

  2. Welcome message - Description of your role within the system. It can be modified in the Roles and permissions section under the Role description field.

  3. Main menu -  Central navigation hub for all system sections.

  4. Widgets -  Quick access to the frequently used application functions.

  5. Reorder widgets - The application administrator selects default widgets on the role configuration page, but any user can customize their arrangement according to their preferences directly on this page.

  6. Notifications - Aggregated alerts for system actions or updates related to you.

  7. Contact support button - Contact our support team for help. For more details, check this article.

  8. Demo videos - Step-by-step visual guides on using the system.

  9. User manual - Find answers in the user manual.