Work Procedures

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Revision as of 06:01, 30 December 2014 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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This page provides insight into the work procedures, non-related to the application, that you might find useful.

Source Control System – Subversive SVN


Never check in the code that does not compile!

Code in SVN has be complete – anybody should be able to check out entire project from SVN and be able to compile it without any fixing, adding libraries and similar.

Eclipse hidden files “.project” and “.classpath” have to be checked into SVN because the project cannot be opened in Eclipse without them. Any other file required to open and build the project from scratch has to be checked into SVN.

Update and Commit your code frequently to avoid code conflicts.

Use SVN to Rename, Move or Remove files.

Communicate your development plans to other team members.

Do not check in things in SVN that do not belong there (for example: third party software or manuals). We keep those in designated directory.

Never put the Java source code in production. Always deploy application as “jar”, “war” or “ear”.

Occasionally test your code by checking it out (or exporting it) to empty directory and try to compile it. If there are errors then code is not properly checked into SVN or it is not complete. You should fix it as soon as possible.


Bugzilla will be used as an issue tracking system on YouTestMe project. All team members should regularly check items assigned to them and update them accordingly as per instructions provided below. Bugzilla also sends email reminders about tasks assigned to you. If you are receiving reminders about tasks that you completed you should change status of that task to “RESOLVED” or “CLOSED”.

Update items assigned to you by:

Reassigning it to other team member if task is not for you


Add a “deadline” – an estimate when you think the task will be completed. If the task is more complex you can add “Hours Left” so we can plan workload if the item becomes critical.

Close Items that are completed and always put the comment with resolution: