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Application Access

Link Description

Links are equivalent, however the first one uses “HTTP redirect” while the second one uses “Frame redirect”.

Primary development integration site, should be used only by developers for system integration and testing. Uses database scheme "YTM10" Automated build times: 11 AM and then every 6 hours.

Links are equivalent however the first one uses “HTTP redirect” while the second one uses “Frame redirect”.

Site used for performance, load and stress testing. Uses database scheme "YTM20". Automated build times: 11 AM and then every 6 hours

All three links are equivalent, however latter two use “Frame redirect” vs. “HTTP redirect”.

Site used for demos and presentations. Uses database scheme "YTM30". Automated build times: 12 AM daily. Primary development integration site. Should be used only by developers for system integration and testing. Uses database scheme "YTM10". Automated build times: 11 AM and then every 6 hours

Site used for performance, load and stress testing. Uses database scheme "YTM20". Automated build times: 11 AM and then every 6 hours.

Site used for demos and presentations. Uses database scheme "YTM30". Automated build times: 12 AM daily.



YouTestMe application was encouraged by the emerging trend of e-learning and distance learning which has been implemented in many prestigious universities around the world. The purpose of this software is to enable both students and professors to have an efficient, easy, and improved way of learning, testing and evaluating. Application itself consists of various types of authorized users, different courses, various classes, quizzes, test sections, question pools and a quiz generator.

Creating a User Profile

In order to create a user profile, click on the menu in the top right corner and choose "Register". In this window type the information required: username, your first name, your last name, your date of birth, your role in the educational facility, and an email account. After completing these steps, click on the "Register" button and, if everything is correct, an administrator will review your details and send a confirmation mail, containing the password required to log in. In case you forget or misplace your password you can click on "Forgot password?" option and after filling in your username and e-mail address, a randomly generated password will be sent. For a video tutorial on this go to this YouTube page : V.1.1. Uvod

Managing a User Profile

Profiles and User Review

Once you log in, you can see "Profiles" tab on the utmost left in tabs section on top of the page. When you open it, a "Help" box is shown, containing basic information about manipulating different user profiles in various ways. On the right side of the screen, there are several buttons: "Show Users" option shows a searchable list of all users and their characteristics. For more detailed information check this video tutorial: V.1.2. Profili Pregled Korisnika

Registration and User Profile

Next, "Requests" option will bring up any registration requests from new users of the application. Also, you can always see new registration requests on the left side of the screen in the "Notifications" menu. "New User" button will show you a form that needs to be filled with a certain user's details in order to create a profile within the application. For more detailed instructions go to V.1.3. Registracija, Nov Korisnik

Role Management

There are three default roles in this system (more can be created if necessary): Student, Professor and Administrator. Each of these types has a different set of options. All of these roles are manipulated through "Roles" option. Usually, Administrator sets different kinds of restrictions on other types of users. For more detailed information go to: V.1.4. Profili - Upravljanje Korisnicima

Courses and Classes

General Information and Navigation

All types of users are organized into Courses and Classes. You can navigate both of these through Navigation tab right next to notification on left side of the screen. Here, you can see how Courses are hierarchically organized, meaning they can have Sub-Courses and Parent Courses. Also, groups assigned to each course can be seen here. For more detailed information go to: V.2.1. Kursevi i Grupe

Course Information

Once you have selected a Course, numerous options will be shown, such as: New Subcourse, New Class, etc. Additionally, "Members" tab will show you all members of the course as well as their roles. Only Course Managers (Administrators and certain Professors) can add members to a certain Course, change the roles and manipulate the courses. Also if a member has joined a certain Course, he automatically joins all of the Parent Courses. However, it doesn't go the other way around, so if a member joins a Parent Course, he is not necessarily joined to all of its Subcourses. For more detailed information go to: V.2.2. Kursevi i Grupe - Opis Kursa

Class Information

Each Class can be joined to all types of Courses. Once you navigate to a Group by selecting it through a Course, general information about a group can be seen, such as Class name, Status, Date of activation, etc. In case you the permission is granted, new users can be added to a class and their role assigned. Each group can have any amount of participants, Students/Professors or Administrators. For more detailed information go to: V.2.3. Kursevi i Grupe - Opis Grupe