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=Customer Support Contact Information=
=Contact Information=
|| '''Email Address:''' || support@youtestme.com
|| '''1st Point of Contact:''' || aleksandar.nikolic@youtestme.com
|| '''2nd Point of Contact:''' || katarina.jeremic@youtestme.com
|| '''Customer Support:''' || support@youtestme.com
=Important Links=
|| '''Link to YouTestMe GetCertified trial environment:''' || https://demo3.youtestme.com
=YouTestMe Materials Tailored for NGA=
The chapter contains materials exchanged between NGA and YouTestMe.
! Link
! Description
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/YouTestMe%20Responses%20to%20the%20NGA%20Requirements.pdf YouTestMe Responses to NGA Requirements] || This document contains YouTestMe responses to the NGA requirements sent in the initial inquiry on September 14, 2021.
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/YouTestMe%20Demo%20Notes%20with%20Linked%20Documents.pdf YouTestMe Live Demo Notes] || The document contains notes NGA representatives took during a live demonstration of YouTestMe GetCertified with YouTestMe comments and linked materials.
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/Government-specific%20Features%20of%20YouTestMe%20GetCertified.pdf Government-specific Features of YouTestMe GetCertified] || This document explains why YouTestMe GetCertified is an excellent choice for government institutions.
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/YouTestMe%20-%20NGA%20-%20Workflow.pdf NGA Workflow] || The document contains the preliminary NGA workflow that can be achieved in YouTestMe GetCertified.
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/YouTestMe%20-%20NGA%20Trial.pdf NGA Trial] || This document contains step-by-step instructions for achieving the NGA use-case in YouTestMe GetCertified.
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/YouTestMe%20-%20Bulk%20Import%20of%20Questions.pdf Bulk Import of Questions] || The document describes the process of importing questions through Excel files. The process and data are tailored to NGA workflow and samples.
| [https://owncloud.youtestme.com/owncloud/s/zLg8CfCp8aLlO0W NGA Sample Question Pool] || This file contains NGA sample questions that can be used for Excel import.
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/NGA%20Paper-based%20Exam%20-%20PDF%20Export.pdf NGA Sample Exam PDF Export] || This is a sample NGA exam exported in PDF from the latest YouTestMe GetCertified version.
=Instructional Materials - Initial Release=
The chapter contains instructions for exploring the initial release of YouTestMe GetCertified. The materials are relevant for all future releases and may contain only minor changes of functionalities.
===Setting up the system===
! Link
! Description
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YMT33apMFc White-labeling] || Instructions on how to change application theme, the appearance of the login page, logo, and favicon
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw37vS8EJug Notifications] || Instructions on how to edit in-application and email notifications in the system, notification preview from the user’s perspective, and a quick explanation of basic notification events
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WexINhY0EfQ Roles and permissions] || Explanation of the roles and permissions, default system roles with their different level of access, and step by step instructions on how to create a new role with custom permissions
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvCSs2HkD7s Job scheduler] || Learn how to schedule jobs to run at specified time intervals, automate import, export, or any communication between YouTestMe GetCertified and external systems or processes within the YouTestMe system
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udK5dcn7ciA Bulk import of users] || Step-by-step instructions on how to fill the Excel template with user data and import a large number of users into the application all at once
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4fKL2tVtqM User groups] || Instructions on how to organize users into groups and examine group statistics
===Organizing questions===
! Link
! Description
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjnQdR11jS4 Question pools] ||  In this video, you will learn about question pool functionalities and 10 question types supported by YouTestMe GetCertified.
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xamFBkjtWno Collaborative content management] ||  Demonstration of two ways of collaborative content management (of questions and question pools) in YouTestMe GetCertified
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0MWmIJ5yPk Bulk import of questions] ||  Step-by-step instructions on filling the predefined Excel template and uploading hundreds of thousands of questions to YouTestMe GetCertified at once
| [https://www.youtestme.com/kb/how-to-change-answer-ordinal-markup/?doing_wp_cron=1636726550.0449600219726562500000 Changing answer ordinal markup] ||  This article explains how to change answer ordinal markup, which will apply to all new and existing tests and surveys. Answer ordinal markup is visible in the test creation process, test-taking process, personal reports of candidates, and report builder.
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AO5oK3aUkMY Multiple choice questions] ||  Step-by-step instructions on how to create a multiple choice question type, explanation of its configurations, and a preview of it in a test-taking process
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgQH5UV5G6c Fill in the blanks questions] ||  Step-by-step instructions on how to create a fill in the blanks question type, explanation of its configurations, and a preview of it in a test-taking process
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG7vl-pJqcQ Matching questions] ||  Step-by-step instructions on how to create a matching question type, explanation of its configurations, and a preview of it in a test-taking process
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z__Xyx-3ZJY True-false questions] ||  Step-by-step instructions on how to create a true/false question type, explanation of its configurations, and a preview of it in a test-taking process
===Organizing tests===
! Link
! Description
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1tW2oY4eRI Test generator] ||  Step by step instructions on how to to use a test generator to create a number of different versions of the same test
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YEYJ33cmVY Multiple test versions] ||  Instructions on how to manually create several unique versions of a single test, how to modify questions in test versions, and assign the candidates
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsgPVk0wBpE Question and answer randomization] ||  Instructions on how to randomize the order of questions and answers in a test
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utc0r4G9UTU Test retakes] ||  Instructions on how to allow a limited or unlimited number of test retakes and define the time necessary to pass before the next attempt is available
===Grading paper-based tests===
! Link
! Description
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVBZpSPSLlI Importing test responses] ||  This video explains how to import responses on paper-based exams back into the system.
| [https://www.youtestme.com/kb/how-to-create-and-schedule-jobs-for-automated-import-and-export/ Scheduling jobs] ||  This article explains how to create Jobs to exchange files between external systems and YouTestMe GetCertified.
===Examining reports===
! Link
! Description
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqYth6A9i1Q Reports overview] ||  A quick overview of reporting module that contains over 40 types of predefined reports, report builder, the system for scheduling reports, and a section for the most important ones
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyVW47-4mrc Report builder] ||  Instructions on how to obtain a detailed insight into test statistics or compare individual items by creating customized and unique reports with employed advanced search filters
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ0I3QfCAwk Scheduling reports] ||  Step-by-step instructions on how to schedule automated report sending by email at specified times
| [https://www.youtestme.com/kb/how-to-track-question-statistics Question statistics] ||  This article explains how to access and examine statistics on questions in the selected question pool - candidates’ performance on each question pool, graphical representations of questions broken down by type, and difficulty level.
| [https://www.youtestme.com/kb/how-to-export-the-report-with-testing-locations Exporting reports] ||  This article explains the procedure of exporting the report with the testing locations.
=Important links=
=Step-by-step Instructions - Beta Release=
The chapter contains instuctional materials for exploring new functionalities of the latest YouTestMe GetCertified release. To explore the functionalities thoroughly, please go through the materials in the defined order of steps.
===Organizing questions===
! Link
! Description
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/Bulk%20Import%20of%20Questions.pdf Bulk upload of questions] || This document explains how to bulk upload questions with their custom properties and External IDs via Excel files.
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/Question%20preview.pdf Previewing a question] || This document contains step-by-step instructions to preview how a question will be displayed in the test-taking process.
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/Custom%20question%20properties.pdf Custom properties] || This document contains step-by-step instructions on how to use custom question properties - additional fields for specifying custom information and categorization of questions.
| [https://www.youtestme.com/kb/how-to-import-custom-question-properties-through-excel-template Bulk upload of custom question properties] || This article explains how to import custom question properties when importing questions from Excel files.
| [https://www.youtestme.com/kb/how-to-change-answer-ordinal-markup-2/ Changing answer ordinal markup] || This article explains how to change answer ordinal markup, which will apply to all new and existing tests and surveys. Answer ordinal markup is visible in the test creation process, test-taking process, personal reports of candidates, and report builder.
| [https://www.youtestme.com/kb/how-to-preview-the-changes-history-on-pool-questions Question audit log] || This article explains how to check whether the changes were made on pool questions. It is possible to see who was made changes and when.
|| '''Link to Official GetCertified instance:''' || https://demo3.youtestme.com
=Heading 1=
===Organizing tests===
! Link
! Description
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/Creating%20multiple%20test%20versions%20manually.pdf Creating multiple test versions manually] || This document contains step-by-step instructions on how to manually create multiple test versions that will contain the same questions in a different order. This document explains how to export the NGA sample exam as a PDF file.
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/Exporting%20Exams%20as%20PDF%20files.pdf Exporting exams as PDF files] || This document explains how to export the NGA sample exam as a PDF file.
=Upcoming Releases=
This chapter contains a preview of the functionalities that will be supported in the upcoming application releases.
! Table header 1
! Link
! Table header 2
! Description
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/New%20application%20interface.pdf New application interface] || The document contains sample screens of the new application release.
| [https://owncloud.youtestme.com/owncloud/s/owbMZHUScyTTVH4 Exporting exams as DOCX] || The image displays where the option for exporting exams as DOCX files will be in the future application releases. Exported exams in DOCX files will look identically as exam PDF exports but will be editable.
| [if you want to add a link, you need to add it between [] like this text I just wrote here. You just add link and after link add one space and then just add text that should be linked] || to add something in second column you need to enter two vertical bar
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/YouTestMe%20-%20Roadmap.pdf YouTestMe roadmap] || This document contains what is new in the latest YouTestMe GetCertified version and what to expect in future releases.
|- this represents new row in table
| [row 2 column 1 linked text] || row2 column 2 just text
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/YouTestMe%20-%20Question%20Changelog.pdf Question changelog] || TThis document represents an iterative plan of improvements for the question changelog functionality.
|} this means the table is finished
| [{{SERVER}}/youtestme/youtestmedoc/YTM%20Customer%20Support/Client%20onboarding%20documentation%20(best%20practices%20for%20common%20scenarios,%20how-to)/NGA/YouTestMe%20-%20Custom%20Question%20Properties.pdf Custom question properties in test generator] || This document describes the current implementation and future improvements of the custom question properties used for generating tests in YouTestMe GetCertified.

Latest revision as of 19:33, 3 December 2021

Contact Information

1st Point of Contact: aleksandar.nikolic@youtestme.com
2nd Point of Contact: katarina.jeremic@youtestme.com
Customer Support: support@youtestme.com

Important Links

Link to YouTestMe GetCertified trial environment: https://demo3.youtestme.com

YouTestMe Materials Tailored for NGA

The chapter contains materials exchanged between NGA and YouTestMe.

Link Description
YouTestMe Responses to NGA Requirements This document contains YouTestMe responses to the NGA requirements sent in the initial inquiry on September 14, 2021.
YouTestMe Live Demo Notes The document contains notes NGA representatives took during a live demonstration of YouTestMe GetCertified with YouTestMe comments and linked materials.
Government-specific Features of YouTestMe GetCertified This document explains why YouTestMe GetCertified is an excellent choice for government institutions.
NGA Workflow The document contains the preliminary NGA workflow that can be achieved in YouTestMe GetCertified.
NGA Trial This document contains step-by-step instructions for achieving the NGA use-case in YouTestMe GetCertified.
Bulk Import of Questions The document describes the process of importing questions through Excel files. The process and data are tailored to NGA workflow and samples.
NGA Sample Question Pool This file contains NGA sample questions that can be used for Excel import.
NGA Sample Exam PDF Export This is a sample NGA exam exported in PDF from the latest YouTestMe GetCertified version.

Instructional Materials - Initial Release

The chapter contains instructions for exploring the initial release of YouTestMe GetCertified. The materials are relevant for all future releases and may contain only minor changes of functionalities.

Setting up the system

Link Description
White-labeling Instructions on how to change application theme, the appearance of the login page, logo, and favicon
Notifications Instructions on how to edit in-application and email notifications in the system, notification preview from the user’s perspective, and a quick explanation of basic notification events
Roles and permissions Explanation of the roles and permissions, default system roles with their different level of access, and step by step instructions on how to create a new role with custom permissions
Job scheduler Learn how to schedule jobs to run at specified time intervals, automate import, export, or any communication between YouTestMe GetCertified and external systems or processes within the YouTestMe system
Bulk import of users Step-by-step instructions on how to fill the Excel template with user data and import a large number of users into the application all at once
User groups Instructions on how to organize users into groups and examine group statistics

Organizing questions

Link Description
Question pools In this video, you will learn about question pool functionalities and 10 question types supported by YouTestMe GetCertified.
Collaborative content management Demonstration of two ways of collaborative content management (of questions and question pools) in YouTestMe GetCertified
Bulk import of questions Step-by-step instructions on filling the predefined Excel template and uploading hundreds of thousands of questions to YouTestMe GetCertified at once
Changing answer ordinal markup This article explains how to change answer ordinal markup, which will apply to all new and existing tests and surveys. Answer ordinal markup is visible in the test creation process, test-taking process, personal reports of candidates, and report builder.
Multiple choice questions Step-by-step instructions on how to create a multiple choice question type, explanation of its configurations, and a preview of it in a test-taking process
Fill in the blanks questions Step-by-step instructions on how to create a fill in the blanks question type, explanation of its configurations, and a preview of it in a test-taking process
Matching questions Step-by-step instructions on how to create a matching question type, explanation of its configurations, and a preview of it in a test-taking process
True-false questions Step-by-step instructions on how to create a true/false question type, explanation of its configurations, and a preview of it in a test-taking process

Organizing tests

Link Description
Test generator Step by step instructions on how to to use a test generator to create a number of different versions of the same test
Multiple test versions Instructions on how to manually create several unique versions of a single test, how to modify questions in test versions, and assign the candidates
Question and answer randomization Instructions on how to randomize the order of questions and answers in a test
Test retakes Instructions on how to allow a limited or unlimited number of test retakes and define the time necessary to pass before the next attempt is available

Grading paper-based tests

Link Description
Importing test responses This video explains how to import responses on paper-based exams back into the system.
Scheduling jobs This article explains how to create Jobs to exchange files between external systems and YouTestMe GetCertified.

Examining reports

Link Description
Reports overview A quick overview of reporting module that contains over 40 types of predefined reports, report builder, the system for scheduling reports, and a section for the most important ones
Report builder Instructions on how to obtain a detailed insight into test statistics or compare individual items by creating customized and unique reports with employed advanced search filters
Scheduling reports Step-by-step instructions on how to schedule automated report sending by email at specified times
Question statistics This article explains how to access and examine statistics on questions in the selected question pool - candidates’ performance on each question pool, graphical representations of questions broken down by type, and difficulty level.
Exporting reports This article explains the procedure of exporting the report with the testing locations.

Step-by-step Instructions - Beta Release

The chapter contains instuctional materials for exploring new functionalities of the latest YouTestMe GetCertified release. To explore the functionalities thoroughly, please go through the materials in the defined order of steps.

Organizing questions

Link Description
Bulk upload of questions This document explains how to bulk upload questions with their custom properties and External IDs via Excel files.
Previewing a question This document contains step-by-step instructions to preview how a question will be displayed in the test-taking process.
Custom properties This document contains step-by-step instructions on how to use custom question properties - additional fields for specifying custom information and categorization of questions.
Bulk upload of custom question properties This article explains how to import custom question properties when importing questions from Excel files.
Changing answer ordinal markup This article explains how to change answer ordinal markup, which will apply to all new and existing tests and surveys. Answer ordinal markup is visible in the test creation process, test-taking process, personal reports of candidates, and report builder.
Question audit log This article explains how to check whether the changes were made on pool questions. It is possible to see who was made changes and when.

Organizing tests

Link Description
Creating multiple test versions manually This document contains step-by-step instructions on how to manually create multiple test versions that will contain the same questions in a different order. This document explains how to export the NGA sample exam as a PDF file.
Exporting exams as PDF files This document explains how to export the NGA sample exam as a PDF file.

Upcoming Releases

This chapter contains a preview of the functionalities that will be supported in the upcoming application releases.

Link Description
New application interface The document contains sample screens of the new application release.
Exporting exams as DOCX The image displays where the option for exporting exams as DOCX files will be in the future application releases. Exported exams in DOCX files will look identically as exam PDF exports but will be editable.
YouTestMe roadmap This document contains what is new in the latest YouTestMe GetCertified version and what to expect in future releases.
Question changelog TThis document represents an iterative plan of improvements for the question changelog functionality.
Custom question properties in test generator This document describes the current implementation and future improvements of the custom question properties used for generating tests in YouTestMe GetCertified.