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Instructions for using YouTestMe GetCertified

This chapter contains instructional documents and videos for administrators on how to use YouTestMe GetCertified application.

Link Description
Getting Started with YouTestMe GetCertified This document aims to provide the complete guide to getting started with YouTestMe GetCertified and

recommendations for the best use cases, enabling you to easily organize the whole testing process.


Link Description
Roles and permissions Explanation of the roles and permissions, default system roles with their different levels of access, and step-by-step instructions on creating a new role with custom permissions.
User groups A quick overview of User Groups module, instructions on how to organize users into groups, and examine group statistics.
How to assign a manager to a user group Step-by-step instructions on creating a role in the application that has permission to access, create, and/or manage user groups.
How to bulk import users Step-by-step instructions on how to fill the Excel template with user data and import a large number of users into the application all at once.


Link Description
How to create a test with sections Step-by-step explanation on how to create a test with test sections.
How to create a generated test Step-by-step instructions on how to use a test generator to create many different versions of the same test.
How to define grading scales and passing marks Explanation of the grading scales, their configurations, instructions on applying automatic grading to test with or without sections, and step-by-step instructions on how to create a new one.
Automated proctoring Step-by-step instructions on how to enable automated proctoring mode.
Student's perspective of the test-taking process with automated proctoring Step-by-step instructions on how to take a test with Automated Proctoring.
How to set up report content Instructions on how to set up reports containing test results – configure the content, report lifespan, and report visibility time for test-takers.


Link Description
How to create a question pool Step-by-step instructions on how to create a new question pool and add a question to the pool.
Importing questions through an Excel template Step-by-step instructions on how to fill the Excel template with question data and import a large number of questions to a question pool all at once.
How to track question statistics Instructions on how to access and examine statistics on questions in the selected question pool.
Question types An overview of question types in YouTestMe.
Single choice vs multiple choice questions Step-by-step instructions on how to create a single and multiple choice question type, the difference between the two question types and their configurations, and a preview in a test-taking process.
Open-ended question Step-by-step instructions on how to create an open-ended question type, explanation of its configurations, and a preview of it in a test-taking process.
Fill in the blanks question Step-by-step instructions on how to create a fill in the blanks question type, explanation of its configurations, and a preview of it in a test-taking process.
How to randomize questions & answers Instructions on how to randomize the order of questions and answers in a (draft) test, when questions are added manually, or test is created using a test generator.
How to fill in the Excel template for each question type Instructions on how to fill in the Excel template to upload the questions.


Link Description

How to white label the application Instructions on how to change the application theme (interface colors) and the appearance of the login page, set your logo and favicon, customize both in-app and email notifications and configure your link.
How to configure mail server settings Instructions on how to configure mail server settings.
How to configure notifications Instructions on how to edit in-application and email notifications in the system, notification preview from the user’s perspective, and a quick explanation of basic notification events.
How to set up support contact Instructions on how to set up the procedure for contacting support from the application and customize the contact form.


Link Description
Reports overview One-minute overview of the reports in YouTestMe GetCertified.
How to access and use predefined reports Instructions on how to access and use predefined reports to see organized and aggregated information from the database.
Report builder Instructions on how to obtain a detailed insight into test/survey statistics or compare individual items by creating completely customized and unique reports with employed advanced search filters.
How to schedule reports Step-by-step instructions on how to schedule automated report sending by email at specified times.