User manual

Grading scales

  1. Introduction

    Grading scales are used to establish specific labels for categorizing results. These scales enable the standardized presentation of test outcomes using a predefined range, e.g., from A to F.

    To access the list of grading scales, navigate to the Tests section in the main menu, then select Grading scales.

    On this page, you can:

    1. View a table with existing grading scale templates categorized as:

      • Grading scale templates you created.

      • Publicly available grading scale templates - The list of grading scale templates accessible to all users who can access the Grading scales page.

      • All grading scale templates in the system - The list of all the grading scale templates, both public and private. Visible only to users with the Manage any test, survey, or training course permission.

    2. Edit the grading scale. A grading scale cannot be modified once assigned to a test template or test. Save changes as a new grading scale instead.

      Note: Editing grading scales is restricted to users with the Create test, survey or training course permission within their user role.

    3. Delete grading scales permanently (only possible if not used in tests or surveys).

      Note: Deleting grading scales is restricted to users with the Create test, survey or training course permission within their user role.

    4. Export data from the table as a PDF or Excel file

  2. New grading scale

    To create a new grading scale:

    1. Navigate to the New grading scale tab.

    2. Enter the grading scale's name.

    3. Set the privacy to private or public. Public scales can be viewed by users with Manage any test, survey, or training course permission; private ones are visible only to the creator.

    4. Enter a description.

    5. Determine whether the grades will correspond to the percentage or the number of points earned. The minimum percentage grade is 0, with a maximum of 100. For points, the range is 0 to the total points achievable on a test.

    6. If the grades are linked to the number of points achieved, establish the minimum and maximum grades.

    7. Add as many grading scale labels as needed.

    8. Define the name of the grade.

    9. Define the range of points or percentages associated with this grade. The From value is inclusive, meaning that if grade A encompasses points up to 30, and grade B begins from 30, a candidate will be assigned a grade of B.

    10. Click the Save button.

    The grading scales are used when creating new tests. For more information on how to add a grading scale to a test, please visit the Grading test help page.