User manual


A list of key terms and concepts in the application, designed to aid users in understanding and clarifying unfamiliar or technical terms.

  1. User

    The user is an individual with a profile in the application. Depending on the assigned user role, they may access specific data and application modules.

    For more information, refer to the User profiles help page.

  2. User role

    User role (system role, security role) refers to a predefined or custom set of permissions that dictate what a user can see or the actions they can take within an application.

    For more information, refer to the Roles and permissions help page.

  3. Custom user properties

    Custom user properties are additional fields added to a user's profile when specific information needs to be stored, but there is no default field for it. These properties will be displayed under the Personal Information tab on user profiles.

    For detailed instructions on creating custom user properties, refer to this link.

  4. User groups

    The user group is an assembly of individuals sharing common characteristics. User groups have managers overseeing members and monitoring progress in their assignments. User groups can be assigned to multiple training courses, tests, or surveys, and users can belong to several user groups simultaneously.

    For more information, refer to the User groups help page.

  5. Assignments

    Assignments include tests, surveys, and training courses that candidates can take. They are accessible to candidates by navigating to the Assignments section in the main menu and selecting My tests, My surveys, or My training courses, depending on the type of assignment they need to take.

    For more information, refer to the Assignments help page.

  6. Test

    Assessment that evaluates a user's knowledge, understanding, or proficiency in a specific area. Testing sessions must be created for the test to make it available to candidates.

    For more information on creating a new test, refer to the New test help page.

  7. Test with sections

    An assessment type with divided test sections, each focusing on specific topics, skills, or question categories. Settings and passing marks can vary for each section.

    For more information on creating a new test, refer to the New test help page.

  8. Testing session

    Designated timeframe within which the candidate can start a specific assignment.

    For more information, refer to the Testing sessions help page.

  9. Self-enrollment testing session

    A self-enrollment testing session allows candidates to register for a testing session independently, eliminating the need for an administrator to enroll them manually. This testing session is open for enrollment to all users in the system or to all users within a specific user group if self-enrollment is enabled for that particular user group.

  10. Test attempt

    A test attempt is a single occurrence when a candidate either starts a test or books a test. The system registers a test attempt as soon as the candidate initiates the testing process, whether by beginning the test or scheduling it in advance.

    For more details on managing test attempts, refer to the Monitoring help page.

  11. Rescheduling request

    Rescheduling requests enable users to change the testing session they are assigned to for a specific test. Before starting the test, users may choose one of the offered testing sessions if the test allows a certain number of free reschedules. However, if free rescheduling is not allowed, users must submit a rescheduling request, providing a reason and, optionally, proof why they need to change their current session. These rescheduling requests are forwarded to test managers for review. Managers can either approve the request, allowing the user to reschedule the desired session, or decline the request.

    For more information, please check this article.

  12. Coupon

    Coupons provide users access to testing sessions without payment. Coupons are valid for all sessions in the test and can be used only once for sessions where the purchase price is set.

    For more information, refer to the Coupons help page.

  13. Test authorization

    Test authorization regulates user access to tests. You can establish criteria, like mandatory payments or specific qualifications, for users to gain test authorization. Users without the necessary authorization for a test will not be able to view the test in their assignment list.

    For more information, refer to the Test authorizations help page.

  14. Proctoring

    Proctoring involves monitoring candidates to maintain the integrity and security of tests. Its primary aim is to prevent cheating and ensure a fair testing environment. Candidates log in remotely, verify their identity, and initiate the proctored test. The testing session is recorded through a webcam, microphone, and screen sharing. Afterward, an automated report is generated, including the candidate's score and a proctoring credibility assessment.

    For more information on setting up Proctoring, refer to the Proctoring settings help page.

  15. Proctor

    A proctor supervises and monitors a test to ensure its integrity and prevent any potential cheating or violations of testing rules.

  16. Safe Exam Browser

    Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a secure web browser for online tests. It restricts access to other applications and websites on the device to maintain the integrity of the test environment, preventing potential cheating or unauthorized activities during the test.
    For more information on setting up the safe exam browser, check this video.
    For more information on how to use Safe Exam Browser with YouTestMe for secure online exams, refer to this article.

  17. Manually created test

    A test where questions are manually created one by one or imported from an existing question pool.

    For more information, refer to the Manually created test help page.

  18. Generated tests - based on question difficulties

    Test content is determined by the difficulty levels of the questions. The test creator specifies the number of questions from each difficulty level, and the test generator produces an unlimited or limited number of test versions based on preferences.

    For more information, refer to the Test generator based on question difficulties help page.

  19. Generated tests - based on question categories

    Test content is determined by the question categories assigned to the questions. The test creator specifies the conditions, and the test generator produces an unlimited or limited number of test versions based on preferences. Prerequisites include creating custom question categories in the Question categories section and assigning them to questions.

    For more information on creating this type of the test, refer to the Test generator based on question difficulties help page.

  20. Grading scale

    Grading scales are used to establish specific labels for categorizing results. These scales enable the standardized presentation of test outcomes using a predefined range, e.g., from A to F.

    For more information, refer to the Grading scales help page.

  21. Test/Survey category

    The Test/Survey categories facilitate grouping based on shared characteristics such as subjects, difficulty levels, or other criteria. For example, users may categorize tests/surveys into subjects like science, mathematics, language skills, etc. To assign categories to tests/surveys, first, create them on the Test/Survey category types page.

  22. Question pools

    Question pools refer to a database or repository of questions that can be used for test and survey generation. Test/survey creators often use question pools to efficiently generate assignments by selecting questions from them instead of creating new questions each time.

    For more information, refer to the Question pools help page.

  23. Custom question properties

    Custom question properties refer to additional fields that serve as attributes for questions and are not created in the application by default. They help categorize questions, provide extra data for easier search and management, and can be used to set criteria for passing the test.

    • For details on creating custom question properties, refer to the Custom question properties help page.

    • For more information on how to use custom question properties to define grading settings, refer to this article.

  24. Custom question categories

    Custom question categories refer to additional fields that serve as attributes for questions and are not created in the application by default. They help categorize questions and provide extra data for easier search and management. Unlike custom question properties, custom question categories can be used for test generation.

    For more information, refer to the Custom question categories help page.

  25. Training courses

    Training courses are sets of lessons organized into steps that include assignments (tests or surveys) and additional materials (different types of multimedia content).

    For more information, refer to the Training courses help page.

  26. Surveys

    A survey is used to create questionnaires or forms to collect user feedback, opinions, or data. You can manually create survey questions one by one or import them from existing question pools. Each survey can include a grading scale linking grades to specific scores. This mapping allows the system to represent survey results as grades, for example, measuring satisfaction levels or the degree of agreement with a statement.

    For more information on creating new survey, refer to the New survey help page.

  27. Testing center

    The Testing center module is a central hub for administering and organizing tests. Instead of handling each test individually, the Testing center allows you to do everything in one place. You can create testing sessions, assign candidates, meet their specific needs, assign proctors, monitor candidate progress, and evaluate their behavior during the test. All test attempts are stored in one place, and if needed, you can easily filter and display attempts for a specific test and testing session.

  28. Special accommodation

    Special accommodations refer to customized support provided during the test-taking process for users with unique needs. These adjustments ensure equal opportunities by allowing extended time for taking a test. Instructors can also provide additional special accommodations, such as permitting food and drink during the test or arranging dedicated one-on-one sessions with proctors for personalized monitoring.

    For more information, consult this article or refer to the Special accommodations help page.

  29. Special request

    A Special request is used when you want to request information or documentation from candidates, either before or after a test. For example, if a candidate needs to provide an ID before a test and it's found invalid, the instructor can send a special request for a valid ID to avoid canceling the test attempt.

    For more information, consult this article or refer to the Special requests help page.

  30. Workspaces

    Workspaces are virtual environments where users organize and manage their certification process. For example, each workspace can represent a distinct company department. Workspaces separate entities within the system. Users in one workspace cannot view entities assigned to other workspaces, such as tests, training courses, surveys, question pools, question categories, users, and user groups.

    For more information, refer to this article.

  31. Workspace roles

    Workspace role defines the set of permissions that determine what a user can see or the actions they can take within that specific workspace.

    For more information, refer to the Manage workspace roles help page.

  32. Delivery preferences

    The Delivery preference option allows the categorization of tests based on how they are distributed to candidates, such as online or paper-based. When scheduling testing sessions, tests can be filtered based on their delivery preference, simplifying the process of scheduling sessions for all tests of the same delivery preference.
    For more information on setting up delivery preferences for a test, refer to the Delivery preference help page.

  33. Single Sign-On

    Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication process that allows a user to access multiple applications or services with a single set of login credentials (such as username and password). Instead of remembering separate login details for each application, users authenticate themselves once, and then that authentication is leveraged across various systems.

    For more information on setting up SSO, refer to the the Single Sign-On help page.

  34. OpenID Connect

    OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework. It offers a standardized and secure method for applications to conduct user authentication and gather information about the authenticated user. OpenID Connect is widely utilized for single sign-on (SSO) scenarios.

    For additional details on configuring OIDC, refer to the the OpenID Connect help page.

  35. LTI

    Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a standard developed to facilitate seamless integration and interoperability between educational tools and learning management systems (LMS). YouTestMe can be integrated into an LMS or other learning platforms through LTI.

    For more information on configuring LTI, refer to the the LTI help page.

  36. E-commerce

    The E-commerce module integrates Stripe payment services into YouTestMe. Users pay for testing sessions or training courses through Stripe, and upon successful payment, they gain access to take the test or complete the training course.

    For additional information on configuring E-commerce, refer to the the E-commerce help page.

  37. LRS

    A Learning Record Store is a database that stores learning data and records, particularly those related to experiences in e-learning or educational settings. Integration between YouTestMe and an LRS implies that the data generated within YouTestMe is sent to and stored in the LRS.

    For additional information on configuring an LRS, refer to the the LRS help page.

  38. Webex integration

    WebEx integration refers to connecting WebEx, a widely used online meeting and collaboration tool, with YouTestMe. The integration of WebEx and YouTestMe is used for live proctoring purposes.

    • For more information on configuring Webex integration, refer to the the Webex integration help page.

    • For more information on how proctoring using Webex works, check this article.

  39. Proctorio integration

    Proctorio integration implies integration between Proctorio, an online proctoring solution, and YouTestMe. The system automatically monitors the test attempt using behavioral trackers and records the entire process, marking moments of suspicious behaviors. Once the test is finished, the system stores the footage for subsequent human review and validation.

    • For more information on configuring Proctorio integration, refer to the the Proctorio integration help page.

    • For more information on how proctoring using Proctorio works, check this article.

  40. Application Programming Interface (API)

    API is a set of rules and protocols that allows one software application to interact with another. APIs define the methods and data formats that applications can use to communicate with each other. In simpler terms, an API acts as a bridge between different software systems, enabling them to exchange information and perform specific actions.