User manual

Manage surveys

  1. Introduction

    The Manage surveys page is the central hub for managing the list of available surveys. Here, you can schedule surveys, adjust configurations, or check reports.

    Note: The process of creating and managing surveys is the same as that for creating and managing tests. Additionally, most of the available options are identical.
    In the chapters below, you will find explanations of the parts that differ from test management, or you will find adequate links to help pages for test management, where you can find explanations of the options that are the same.

    To access the Manage surveys page, navigate to the Surveys section in the main menu, then select Manage surveys.

    The available options on this page are the same as those for test management. For further information, please refer to the Manage tests/Introduction help page.

  2. Survey settings

    1. Basic information

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Basic information help page.

    2. Pause, retake and reschedule settings

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Pause, retake and reschedule settings help page.

    3. Security settings

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Security settings help page.

    4. Grading configuration

      Each survey can include a Grading scale linking grades to specific scores. This mapping allows the system to represent survey results as grades, for example, measuring satisfaction levels or the degree of agreement with a statement.

      Here, you can select one of the previously created grading scales.

      The process of configuring grading scales for surveys is the same as for tests. For instructions on creating grading scales, please visit the Grading scales help page.

    5. Report settings

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Personal report settings help page.

    6. Score report settings

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Score report settings help page.

    7. Coupons

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Coupons help page.

    8. Language preference

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Language preference help page.

    9. Attachments

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Attachments help page.

    10. External attributes

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/External attributes help page.

    11. Delivery preference

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Delivery preference help page.

    12. Survey categories

      Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Test categories help page.

  3. Questions

    Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Delivery preference help page.

  4. Survey administration

    Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Test administration help page.

  5. Survey reports

    Explanations for all available options can be found under the Tests/Manage tests/Reports help page.