User manual

User profiles

  1. List of users

    The User profiles page displays the list of users that you can manage. You can create new users, handle registration requests, configure registration links, and define user-related settings.

    Explore the options for user management:

    1. Switch between displaying either all users or only those you've created.

    2. Import new users or import certificates, automatically assigning them to specified users.

    3. Filter data by including inactive users in the list or showing users from a specific user group.

    4. Open a user's profile by clicking their username.

    5. Select users and assign them to a test.

    6. Select users to change their status.

    7. Select users and permanently delete them. To enable permanent user deletion, ensure the Allow delete data option is enabled in the system settings under Settings and customization/System preferences/Additional modules.

    8. Note: The table columns represent attributes of user profiles, and their explanations can be found in the Create new user chapter.

    1. User statuses

      Status Description
      Active Enables users to log into the system using their username and password. It is also used for account reactivation. A new password is provided to the email address linked to the user account after switching a user's status to Active.
      Inactive Restricts users from logging in until their account is reactivated. Only a user manager can change the status to Inactive. Users with the status Inactive are not visible in the user list unless the filter to display inactive users is enabled. Additionally, their test results are not visible in the application or included in statistics.
      Suspended Restricts users from logging in until their account is reactivated. Only a user manager can change the status to Suspended. Results and data of users with the status Suspended remain visible in the application and included in statistics.
      Locked Requires users to change their password during the next login. Once the password is changed, the system automatically reactivates the user account. Only a user manager can change the status to Locked.
      Pending Indicates that a registration request is awaiting approval. Once approved, the user receives the Active status. If rejected, the profile is not created in the system.
    2. Create a new user

      To create a new user, click the Create new user button on the User profiles page, and then:

      1. Switch to display Basic info only, and you'll have to enter only primary information such as username, password, role, etc. Alternatively, all the user data fields will be displayed.

      2. Enter the Username. The username field is case-sensitive.

      3. Choose whether the user's password should be created manually or generated.

        • Manually inserted - Input and confirm the entered password.

        • Generated - The system will generate a password and send it to the user via email.

      4. Set the Expiration date after which the password must be renewed.

      5. Set the Role the user will grant.

      6. Set the user's account Status.

      7. Set the Time zone in which the data containing the date and time will be displayed.

      8. Set the Language in app - Determines the application interface's language (excluding user-generated content, such as question text, test descriptions, etc.). If a language preference is set for a specific test, it overrides the application interface language for a user account.

      9. Set the Language in tests - The default language for displaying questions and answers in tests, if defined during the question creation.

      10. Enter a unique External ID identifier, which serves as a distinctive label for the user in the system. This identifier can then be employed when integrating with other external systems.

      11. Employee ID is a unique identifier used to distinguish employees within an organization.

      12. Assign the new user to user groups.

      13. Profile picture - Supported file types are JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, and the maximum size is 100MB.

      14. Enter the First name.

      15. Enter the Middle name.

      16. Enter the Last name.

      17. Enter the Email address where the user will receive notifications.

      18. Enter the Date of birth.

      19. Select the Gender.

      20. Enter the Phone number.

      21. Enter the Affiliation - Refer to the organization, institution, company, or group with which the user is associated or to which they belong. It is often used in systems where users are part of a larger entity.

      22. Enter the Street address.

      23. Enter the City.

      24. Enter the State or province.

      25. Enter the Country.

      26. Enter the Zip code.

      27. If a Custom user properties have been created, enter the appropriate information, such as employment type, CV documentation etc.

      28. Click the Save button.

      29. Only fields marked with an asterisk (*) next to the field name are mandatory.

    3. Importing users

      To import multiple users at once using an Excel file:

      1. Click the Import button and select Users.

      2. Download the Excel template and fill in the mandatory fields.

      3. Download the Instructions on filling in the Excel template.

      4. Download the Sample to view the structure of a properly filled Excel template or explore the feature.

      5. Choose the Excel file by clicking the Select file button and selecting the file from your computer.

      6. Check the Send email to newly created users option to notify users about credentials and account creation.

      7. Click the Save button.

      8. Note: If the Excel file contains existing usernames or errors in the template, the entire operation will be canceled, and no users will be uploaded.

    4. Importing certificates

      To assign certificates to users, first create the certificates in the system. For detailed instructions on certificate creation, consult the Manage certificates help page.

      For bulk assignment of certificates via an Excel file:

      1. Click the Import button and select User certificates.

      2. Download the Excel template and fill in the mandatory fields. Refer to this article for more information on filling out the Excel template.

      3. Choose the Excel file by clicking the Select file button and selecting the file from your computer.

      4. Click the Upload button.

      5. Note: If the Excel file contains errors, the entire operation will be canceled, and no certificates will be assigned.

  2. User settings

    1. Custom user properties

      Custom user properties are additional fields added to a user's profile when specific information needs to be stored, but there is no default field for it. These properties will be displayed under the Personal Information tab on user profiles.

      For detailed instructions on creating custom user properties, refer to this link.